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Apply online

Please note that registration for the assessment at is by invitation only. You will usually receive this from our partner airline to which you have applied.

Alternatively, you will receive the invitation to register from our own recruitment experts after consultation with the partner flight operation.

Please send proactive applications only directly to our partner flight operations.

Unsolicited applications via this form cannot be processed.

  • The following Data protection agreement applies.

    • You can upload files for your application here. Files of the type pdf, jpg, jpeg, docx are possible. Ideally, individual Files should not be larger than 2 MB. You can upload a total of 5 MB.
    • Please upload the following documents:

      • passport
      • curriculum vitae (CV) / resume
      • pilot licence
      • medical
      • aviation CV
      Please enable JavaScript so that you can upload Files.
      2. Upload Files
    • Unable to send your data?

      If you do not receive a "Thank you" message for submitting your data after clicking the "Submit" button, please check that all required fields have been filled out. Pay attention to the red notes above the corresponding fields and correct your entries accordingly!

      How do I know that my data has been transmitted?

      If your data have been transmitted, you will be automatically be routed to the „thank you“ screen message. You will also receive a confirmation via e-mail. Please check your spam folder for that.

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